A young photographer and creator from Sydney, Australia.

I’m passionate about creating clean, unique, elegant content. Where my vision is supported by strategy & insights.

With years of knowledge and strong skills in Adobe suites like Photoshop and Lightroom I can bring any vision to life within a photograph that tells a story and promotes a lifestyle for consumers to follow.

The key equipment I use includes the Canon 6D Mark II with the 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM Lens.

Alongside this I utilise a range of lighting equipment and props to perfectly compliment a product.

Working closely with a brand to gain structured briefs and present them with the highest quality work possible, that most importantly matches the brand, their product, and aesthetics.

I pride myself on strong reliable communications with my clients & am keen to work with you!

About me

hi, i am SAMMY JANE

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